i just took an online test that says i'm 55% gay. so then if i'm only 55% gay then doesn't that, in theory, make me bisexual??
i hate math.
i also hate tech, which is where i've been for the past few days. we struck annie last sunday, and had an audience for arsenic and old lace tonight. they loved it, incidentally, even though it's not quite finished. tomorrow i get to finish it up so i can cross it off my list. then i'm donning my domestic goddess robes and cooking dinner for two. i'll try and catch it on video for those who might not believe it.
on a side note - while it is true that jessie is my most favorite of all favorites ever in the world ever, i feel i should mention that monty also holds his own certain and unique distinction. not only is he my
favorite monty, but i cannot imagine ever meeting any other monty that could possibly live up to the highest of high standards he has set for the world of other montys at large. they can only hope to, someday, be half the monty he is.
alas, i'm not feeling overly clever tonight, so go take a test instead of looking for inspiration here... go to www.thespark.com and find out how gay you are. you know you're curious......