Saturday, August 14, 2004

so far today i have managed to remain relatively unproductive. it's frustrating really, i think something in my motivator is broken. i have been to the bank, and downloaded etc offline so i can write cues at home for #1. i did all the dishes and took out the trash. i sent out some important emails and made some design choices. these are all positive things, but not things i had on my "i'm a professional working at home, i should do these things today" list.

tonight i go up to beloit for our last show of the season. there is an after-part, with free wine and cheese. this should be a good time and will hopefully extend on into the night, at the bar down the street. i plan to help myself to the free snackeysnacks. tomorrow and monday we strike and put the space/shop back in order and that's the end of my summer gig. which is fine.

i've put out an invitation to several friends from college that i haven't spoken to in a while - i hope they show up.

yesterday i sent out an email regarding show #3; i'd sent drawings but hadn't heard as to whether they'd been received or whatever. they got them, had one question, and are off and running. so show #3 officially goes on the back burner... i have to do a sketch, but the big deal is over for now. this leaves shows #1 and #2. i had meetings for show #2 this week, and am very excited.

over the past season, i felt like we'd sort of turned into an art factory - what does the show require - get it up, done is good. i feel, with this script, like i have a chance now to push the envelope again, and i feel like i'm finally working with someone who inspires me as an artist, rather than a facilitator. i'm pumped.

show #1 is slightly more complex, since i'm doing lights, i really need to get in to see a runthrough. this is in the city = lots of driving. i can't really do a plot to light stuff until i know where it's gonna happen. so right now i'm picking color, etc, and trying to get ahead of the game so when i go into hang and focus it goes lickety split. also, i'm hoping to get my hands on etc offline so i can write cues before i get there. then i hope to be able to just plug them into the board and tweak as we go. say a little prayer.

today i plan to do some laundry and work on #3's sketch and thumbnails for #2. i think i will take #1 and #2 home with me, to some degree, and that's prolly fine.


Friday, August 13, 2004

well, i've changed the template. are we happy now?

here's what i've decided as far as titles go - if one strikes me, i will title it. otherwise, i will continue to just blurt things out like usual.

also, jackie thinks my blog is too dark. questions? comments? concerns?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

SAB, Matthew

bible trashing, anyone?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


i bought catsup today. the label says : "will work for food".

Sunday, August 08, 2004

this weekend there is a jehovah's witness convention in town. during lunch time they all come out to their cars, and tailgate in the parking lot with their coolers and nametags... the sidewalk was full of them yesterday and all i could think was "look at all those people with no birthday".

today i attended a memorial service at nat for one of our board members that passed away last week. it's weird to attend something like that for someone you didn't really know that well - watching someone else's family celebrate their life.

right now i'm listening to indigo girls' rites of passage - it's like the soundtrack to half my college career, gives me flashbacks. good ones though, not like some crazy lesbian acid trip.

tomorrow is a company picnic for nat staff and crew - it's out at the park where we ride ponies; we hope to get in a ride before the picnic.

just sent away drawings for show #3. i think they're done so now all that show needs is color elevations and i can put it to bed for a little bit. got to work on show #1 - order color and stuff 'cause it's creepin up fast. show #2 is lookin like it's gonna be pretty small, not because it's easier (in some ways it's not) but because it's right for the script... things are shaping up in my favor and, since i'm not entirely used to that, it's kinda wiggy.

i'm thinking about starting to title my blog entries... what say you?