Friday, August 27, 2004

you'll be relieved to know that my tetanus shot is up to date now.

i stepped on a rusty nail at work today and it went through my shoe and into my foot a good ways. not through my foot, but enough that it bled pretty profusely there for a minute. i cleaned up and went to the doctor's where i got a five day supply of cipro and a tetanus shot.

then jessie bought me dinner, and i spent the last $15 of my birthday money on austin powers I and II - for $8 apiece!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

i am back in illinwah. not really by choice, more by obligation.
the cat is pleased to see me, and has not left my side since i got back last night.

i spent this morning sifting through emails about show #3 and deleted a bunch of stuff that was just group mailed and has nothing to do with me. i'm going into the city on sunday to present the design and meet the cast, etc. monday i have a meeting at 12 noon, so i will probably stay at gurl's (although she doesn't know it yet). wednesday or thursday i will be back in the city to watch a runthrough (hopefully) of show #1 so i can do a light plot to hang that weekend.

i've made headway on show #2 this morning also, and feel better about where i'm headed with that one.

i'm currently listening to the lost 80's lunch hour on the radio - with all the good songs that came out in the 80's, how come people keep requesting the same 10 songs? how many times can you hear "oh mickey" or "99 red ballons" before you just want to shoot someone?