Thursday, January 23, 2003

nothing much of note happened today. i called all around town and struck out on balusters, went to a production meeting, drew some pictures, and made my car payment.

i haven't watched the guiding light in like three weeks, and this makes me sad - which i suppose is sad in itself. finally watched last night's west wing, which was a rerun that i hadn't seen before. i love that show. there are so many good things about it, i wouldn't know where to begin really.

i did have an interesting conversation with eric, our lighting designer, and rita, our custodian. we were talking about the weather (the cold cold cold weather) and then about homeless people and then about millionaires and how can there be homeless people in america when j lo can afford to fly some dude cross country to pluck her eyebrows? the next part was the interesting part. rita, our custodian (who rocks) smokes. she was so moved by some commercial she saw on tv about starving kids in the appallachian mts. that she decided to cut back on cigarettes and send the extra $$ to whatever org. this commercial was for. she does this every month. why is it that the custdoians of the world, the everyday working people, are the ones who feel compelled, even obligated, to send their hard earned cash that's not extra and the j lo's of the world, who own 4 houses and gads and gads of money could really seem to care less? and fly thier dudes across the country to pluck their eyebrows? and then release singles that talk about how they "stay real" and "don't forget where they came from"? how about sendin some of that $$ back where you came from??

"but wait janine. i know i seen you chillin to the j lo, singin along with jenny from the block - aren't you payin for that eyebrow dude too?" ... no way man. i downloaded that shit for free. take that eyebrow dude.

don't be fooled by the rocks that.... oh wait. i ain' got no rocks... damn.

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