Thursday, February 13, 2003

well, i got nuthin.

i spent the weekend in tech, and am still painting major set pieces even though we're in student matinees. we haven't officially opened though, so really it's not a huge, gigantic deal (even though i feel like it is).

for the past few days i have been in an extraordinarily foul mood... just evil and petty for several days on end now. i think it's because i haven't really had a for real break since like new year's. more recently, i haven't had a day off since i don't remember when, and i'm extremely tired of people in general. i'm in serious danger of actually telling some people just what i think, which wouldn't be wise, for so many different reasons. hopefully, i will be finished painting by friday so i can have the weekend to myself. this would be good for anybody that has to come into contact with me, at all.

on the whole, things are okay, i'm just tired i think. i got offered a job at apt for the summer, but only as a props intern. ha.
it sounds like a sweet job, and i would definitely take it if they weren't only offering $260/wk.. i can't afford to make that little = looks like retail for me this summer. maybe that wouldn't be so bad..... i dunno.

i should go to bed now, as lack of sleep isn't generally proven to help shittymooditis, as i'm sure many clinical studies have shown.

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