Monday, March 03, 2003

you know how sometimes people say just random things that happen to piss you off, even though it's not really a bad thing they said, it just rubs you the wrong way for no real reason that you can identify? and then you get all defensive over nothing and want to scream fuckfuckfuckfucketyfuck really loud, but you don't because you know it's secretly stupid???

my daddy gives me shit for not updating my yahoo page enough, so i started the family safe blog, and he leaves this shout out: Well, this is different - but I would just as soon get an email - whihc has to be as easy or more so. DAD there is no fucking pleasing this man!! and why am i over-reacting like this? i feel like i tried to do something fun, and he crapped all over it.

in other news, i'm curious - what do you think about the college basketball player who turns her back on the american flag during the national anthem before her game? she's protesting the war i think. on the one hand, i think we should be united as a country if we do go to war, for the sake of our overseas troops' morale, if nothing else. on the other hand, isn't freedom of speech one of the principles we hold most dear as americans? isn't that one of the primary tenents on which our society/country was founded?
i don't know, what do you think?

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