Tuesday, December 30, 2003

i'm back in illinois now. i guess that's good. i'd rather be at home in md, but i don't get to pick what i want all the time.

i have an assortment of questions, some could be considered Rhetorical, that have been rolling around in my increasingly empty head as of late.

shouldn't one, as a grownup, have a vocabulary at ones disposal that doesn't rely on swearing and profanity when one is called upon to speak in a more formal or business-like setting?

should i get perfume and a few smaller things with my xmas money or should i invest in a digital camera?

should i get a new cell phone? the one i have is three years old and gets crappy reception where other people seem not to. the one i like would cost $-.01 after the $100 mail in rebate and approx. $10 more a month for the plan, which would give me like double the anytime minutes plus 1000 mobile to mobile minutes.

why do i feel so crappy when i thought i was pretty much over this cold i had?

why doesn't my sister post more pictures of the cutest babies ever on the web where i can see them more often?

what should i get my mom for her birthday on january 12?

where my bitches at?

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