Thursday, December 19, 2002

well today i had one of those 50/50 days. i got lots of painting done, and drawings for that hateful community opera - which i then handed off to the person i've sort of "sharing td responsibility with" - and that was good.. we're sposed to build the thing at rockford college over their break... i gave drawings to beth, 'cause she's cool, and figured it'd get built while i was away, and i'd paint the thing when i came back.. she told me today that she just found out they've closed the building 'til the 6th. so we can't build it while i'm gone, and that means i lose two weeks of build time and there's roughly one week to build and paint the thing. that was the week i was kinda hoping to leave free for whatever.. but nope. i lose. that was a big setback. but, on the other hand (and, i spose, the other "50") i put a dollar into the pepsi machine today and got $6.45 in change. yeah, really. so i had moral dilemma moment, then i asked nikki what i should do. she said "bonus! keep it! what's the dilemma!?".... and, as uncharacteristic it was, i did. i can do laundry now, and that's how i justified it. they owe me laundry dammit.

tomorrow is a meeting for three musketeers, which i am hopelessly unprepared for. so i'd better waste time blogging rather than actually try to accomplish something. makes total sense..... and yet, i continue to type.

as i said earlier today, i went to see "two towers" last night, with some friends. what an awesome movie. i highly recommend it.
i kinda want to see it again. i also want to see "gangs of new york", which i might see while i'm home for xmas. i also recommend picking up some portishead, if you haven't already got some.. really good stuff, particularly while blogging.

i'm gonna go try and make up something to bring to the meeting tomorrow, it's at 10 am.. i was stupid and said that's okay. i suck at mornings, i'm not a good person until like, i dunno, noon maybe. i think after the meeting i'll go win the powerball draw.

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