Saturday, April 10, 2004

yesterday we got some bonus horsie time. we were out on the trail for 1 1/2 hours before we came back to the ring to practice. i was trying to work on my canter on my regular horse, luke. as it turns out, both luke and i are left handed in our own ways, so we both are weaker on the right side. this means that we both sort of lean heavier to the left and that when we canter, i start to tilt over. so i'm working on situating myself more to the right to balance us out.. it's proving to be frustrating. i swapped with jessie for a couple minutes at the end, and cantered on willie for a bit. tomorrow i'll work with luke more - i think i can get it tomorrow.

tonight's show went well, the audience really enjoyed it. the most exciting part was afterward though, when somebody decided it would be a good idea to set our dumpsters on fire in the alley behind our building. we smelled smoke, went outside (i with extinguisher in hand) and discovered our dumpsters full of fire. i emptied my extinguisher into one while betsy, jessie, and beth ran to get more. i thought i had it out but it flared up again when i ran out of stuff. while i ran back inside to get more extinguishers betsy emptied another into it, and had the same results. jessie came out with another and tried the other dumpster, also to no avail. amy called the firemen while we were out there and they showed up and filled both dumpsters with water and a little of that foam stuff. both were extinguished and everything/body is fine; it was a very exciting end to the evening.

now even after a couple of glasses of koolaid and some cat petting/tv watching, my pipa is still knotty so i've popped a couple of tylenol pm's. horses tomorrow, and i'll be damned if some jackass firesettin moron pyro freak is gonna make me too tired to ride!

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